| Snozone

Accreditation from the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom!

Accreditation from the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom!
25th August 2022
We are proud to announce that Snozone Milton Keynes and Snozone Yorkshire have recently been accredited with the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge!
This is the only national accreditation that recognises good quality learning and safety provision from a variety of providers that deliver educational activities outside of the traditional classroom environment.  The assessment process provides schools with the confidence that the learning and activities provided, will meet or surpass the high standards of education supplied by schools themselves.
Launched in 2008, the quality accreditation scheme is managed and developed by the “Council for Learning Outside the Classroom”, a national charity that drives increased opportunities for young people to widen their experience and learn from real life encounters in areas such as art, culture, sport and adventure. Providing access to new and alternative educational activities has been proven to raise achievements; re-motivating those students who may have become detached from more traditional academia.  As a result, the scheme is endorsed by the Government’s Department of Education.
Following a rigorous assessment process at both UK venues, Snozone have been able to demonstrate meeting a set of specific “quality indicators” and that we: 

This recognition also underpins the quality of educational activities we have provided for many years that support the national school curriculum.  In addition to skiing and snowboarding lessons, we provide assessments for the Snowsports components of GCSE and A level & BTEC PE Sport and deliver Business Studies talks to students.  We are also an accredited centre for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and own and operate our own Disability Snow School ensuring that we truly offer Sport for All.

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