Terms & Conditions | Snozone

Terms & Conditions

We aim to ensure that you have the best experience possible. Our team members are always available to answer any questions or concerns that you may have and will be delighted to help you! It is important for everyone’s safety, wellbeing and understanding that certain conditions are in place so please do read the following.
By making a booking with Snozone it is assumed that you have read and accepted these Terms & Conditions. We reserve the right to ask you to leave the slope and our premises if you do not abide to our Terms and Conditions and in such cases, no refund will be available to you.  
To avoid disappointment, we request that all bookings are made online and in advance, however we do accept bookings on the day in person, but we cannot guarantee availability using this method.  
You can book online at www.snozoneuk.com or by telephone us on 0333 0030 520. You can also book your next activity at our reception desk after completing your visit. 
All activities must be paid for in full and in advance.  Credit is not given in any capacity. All prices are subject to change.
Please see our privacy policy on our website to find out about the data we keep and why we keep it.
If you need to cancel, refund or alter your booking, Snozone requires a minimum of 72 hours’ notice. The activity must then be rebooked within 30 days of your initial booking date. This will be subject to Snozone’s lesson or coaching availability.
Skis, snowboards, boots, helmets and poles are included within the ticket price of your activity. 
Helmets must be worn at all times on the slope for any activity at our UK venues.  If you are not wearing a helmet whilst participating in any of these activities, you will be asked to leave the slope and no refund will be given.  
You are welcome to bring your own helmet, otherwise they will be given out by one of our team members at the equipment hire desk.  We also sell helmets in our shop.   You are welcome to bring your own skis or snowboard and boots.  Children aged 16 and under who do so will receive a 10% discount on their tickets price.  Any guest over 16 will not receive a reduction. 
You are welcome to bring your own skis or snowboard and boots. Children aged 16 and under who do so will receive a 10% discount on the ticket price. Any guest over 16 will not receive a reduction. Gloves, full length trousers & long sleeve tops must be worn at all times on the snow slope.  We also advise that you wear waterproof jackets & trousers.
For hygiene reasons ski jackets, salopettes, gloves & socks are not available to hire, but can be purchased at our shop for very reasonable prices.
Gloves are compulsory for all activities. If you are not wearing gloves you will be asked to leave the slope and no refund will be given.
We ask you to arrive 45 minutes before your activity starts to ensure that you are present for the health and safety briefing. If you are not ready with your clothing and equipment within 5 minutes of the start time of the activity, Snozone reserves the right to deny you access to your activity and you will not be entitled to a refund.
We require everyone who wishes to use the main slope using a lift pass to be of a minimum standard unless you are attending a lesson or a coaching session or you are accompanied by a Snozone Coach. You will therefore be asked to confirm that you are able to control your speed, confidently link your turns and fit your boots correctly. You must also be fully competent in using the poma lifts. If you are unsure about your ability or have any questions regarding minimum standards, please visit our website under the ‘Lift pass section’ where this is defined in full.
Snozone accepts no responsibility for damage to equipment or clothing or personal injury whilst undertaking any activity within Snozone’s premises. 
If you can safely and adequately ski or snowboard and choose not to use our snow slope’s mechanical transportation system (the Poma Lift) you are welcome to do so for free, subject to capacity issues and upon authorisation from the Senior Manager on duty. You will need to be registered for health and safety purposes. Free access is also conditional upon you bringing your own skis, snowboard, boots and helmet. The grant of access only applies if you intend to ski or snowboard. Access is not permitted to the slope if you only wish to spectate.
You are also welcome to use the slope free of charge for non-Alpine activities, such as running. rehabilitation and walking, subject to capacity issues and upon authorisation from the Senior Manager on duty as you will need to be registered for health and safety purposes. The grant of access only applies if you intend to undergo one of these activities. Access is not permitted to the slope if you only wish to spectate.
Helmets must always be worn on the slope regardless of the activity.
By booking an activity at Snozone, you accept that skiing, snowboarding and sledging are high risk activities that may lead to injury.  Snozone has taken the appropriate steps to mitigate this risk but cannot be held liable for injury.
To ensure the safety of all slope users, no one other than our fully qualified Snozone Coaches are permitted to teach or provide coaching on our slope. Should anyone be found coaching or soliciting for clients to coach who isn’t a Snozone Coach, or without clear prior approval, they will be asked to leave the slope and the building and may be permanently excluded from Snozone.
Our expert team will endeavour to deliver all the skills listed for each lesson stage, however skills attained may be dependent on your personal rate of progression or that of others in your group. It is very important that we do not over-accelerate your learning before you are ready to move to the next level.  You will be given thorough feedback by the Coach.
We no longer accept cash for any transaction within our premises (except for vending).  Payments must be made by debit or credit card only.  Payments in cash are still permissible at our Madrid venue.
Snozone is not responsible for damage, loss or theft of your property during your visit. We are not responsible for any items left on our premises. Lost property is retained for one week only and is then destroyed or, if we can sanitise the articles, given to a charity shop.
We offer secure lockers which require a £1.00 coin as a deposit, please arrive prepared as we do not hold cash on the premises.  Alternatively, you can purchase a universal locker token at the reception desk. At our Yorkshire venue, you can also bring a padlock or purchase a padlock at our reception desk.
Gift vouchers can only be redeemed against activities at our Milton Keynes, Yorkshire and Madrid venues. They can be used as full or part payment towards any slope activity, item of retail purchase, and any food and non-alcoholic drink purchase. Gift vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash. If you do not spend the entire balance of the gift voucher, the remaining balance will remain on your account. Gift vouchers are valid for 12 months from the month of purchase only and not after.
We are happy for you to take your own photographs or video, but you must be confident that you are not causing a hazard to other slope users when stopping to film or take photographs. We reserve the right to ask you to cease photographing or filming at any point for any reason.
Please be advised that we have CCTV throughout the centre for the purposes of crime prevention, which complies with the Data Protection Act 1998. In addition, we may record your images for advertising and/ or for marketing purposes. It is sometimes the case that third parties -including the media- record images of events at Snozone. In such circumstances notices will be displayed to advise you of any filming/ photography to be carried out where your image may appear.
We love to share the enjoyment of watching people of all skills and ages out on the slope.  As a result, photographs and/or videos may be taken from time to time. Snozone will have full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming and any reproductions or adaptions of the images for fundraising or publicity purposes. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in our printed and online publicity, social media and press releases. If you do not wish to be photographed, please inform a member of our team.
If you are suffering from any medical condition, illness or injury which may affect your ability to safely participate in the booked activity, we recommend that you obtain professional or specialist medical advice from your doctor prior to booking. This includes any member of your group too.
We recommend that you contact the Snozone team to advise us of any condition or injury.  If you are unsure or wish to discuss any specific requirements which will enable you to participate safely, we will be delighted to discuss this with you and adjust the session where possible.
For the safety of our team and guests, Snozone reserves the right to ask you to leave the slope and the premises if we suspect you are under the influence of drink or drugs. 
Additionally, irresponsible behaviour, endangering other slope users, being abusive to other slope users, or causing general disharmony will result in a permanent exclusion from Snozone.
Due to public safety and space restrictions, Snozone does not permit anyone onto the slope to spectate at any time. 
We have a zero-tolerance policy on abuse directed at our team members under any circumstances.  This includes abuse or threats made in person or online on social media platforms. Should Snozone have concerns relating to any such abuse, we will not hesitate to inform the police and pursue legal action in all instances.  This will also result in permanent exclusion from all Snozone venues.
Parts of the slope may be sectioned off at times for special events, essential maintenance work or to allow freestyle features to be set. Please check before booking for up-to-date information on forthcoming activities or closures. Details are also listed at www.snozoneuk.com and our social media pages. All activities and prices are correct at time of going to press, however Snozone reserves the right to make changes at any time.

Children aged 16 and under must not be left on the premises by themselves at any time. If this is found to be the case, Snozone will inform the police immediately. Children under the age of 12 participating in snow sports activities without a Snozone Coach must always be supervised on the slopes by an adult participating in a registered activity aged 17yrs plus (please note that minimum standards apply for main slope use). Snozone does not permit friends, parents or guardians of children who are not participating in a registered activity onto the slope to spectate at any time.
For the safety of children, if ski or snowboard proficiency has not been attained, whilst under the care of a Coach, parents and/or guardians will need to be available to collect their children from the slope immediately.
Snozone will only allow children under the age of 12 years on the slope without a parent/guardian, if the child/children is/are participating in Snozone’s School Holiday Camps, SnoAcademy or any lessons where Coaching is delivered.
Only food & beverage bought from Snozone’s own restaurant and bar – The Alpine Kitchen – is allowed on the premises. All other food & beverage must be consumed away from Snozone’s premises. You will be asked to leave the premises if this request is not adhered to.
The area in the restaurant is not a designated viewing gallery and we will only permit you to use the area if you are consuming food and/or beverages from our Alpine Kitchen restaurant.
Membership is non-transferable and non-refundable and is valid for 12 months from the day of purchase. Membership discount is only applicable for the membership holder.
The membership card must always be shown upon ticket collection otherwise a discount will not be given. The membership card must also be shown to our team at the Alpine Kitchen to enable discounts on food (not including confectionary items) and beverages (not including alcoholic drinks) as well as to our reception team for shop purchases.
Memberships cannot be administered over the telephone and we can only ‘join you’ to our club once all the required ‘proof’ for the category of membership you are joining has been collected and administered.
If you wish to renew your membership in the final month before expiry, you may do so online at www.snozoneuk.com
Your membership is a one-off payment at the beginning of the membership term with no monthly fees to pay and the term is for 12 months.  We will therefore contact you as the 12-month completion date approaches to renew. The scheme is therefore not a ‘rolling’ membership.
The current membership rewards are: 
  • We will plant 2 trees in your name when you join! We've teamed up with Tree Nation in their mission to re-forest countries where it's most needed! 
  • 50% off every lift pass, group lesson or development coaching session April – September and 25% off October – March. (This does not include day courses or private lessons).
  • Free skiing or snowboarding every Tuesday for one hour at any time at our UK venues and for one hour at any time on Wednesdays at our Madrid venue (excluding December, February and Easter holidays)
  • Priority booking for our market leading SnoAcademy and School Holiday Camps, plus 20% off the ticket price of both.
  • 15% off all full-priced shop merchandise (excluding helmets).
  • 15% off at our Alpine Kitchen restaurants in Milton Keynes and Yorkshire (excluding alcohol & confectionary).  15% off at our partner restaurant in Madrid.
  • 20% off children’s parties.
  • 20% off private lessons.
  • 20% off meeting room hire.
  • Free parking at Milton Keynes when participating in a slope activity.
  • A free locker for 3 hours when participating in any activity at our Madrid venue.
  • One free one-hour lift passes when renewing your club membership in the last month.
Please note replacement membership cards will incur a £5 replacement fee.
Membership discounts do not apply to special offers or where double discounts occur.  
Proof of habitation or cohabitation must be provided upon joining. This may constitute a utility bill or bank statement, with photographic proof from either a passport or driving licence. Proof of cohabitation for children on Family Memberships is only required when the surname or surnames of the children differ to that of the ‘Head’ adult. Adult members do not need to produce proof of habitation or cohabitation when renewing their membership in the 12th month of their membership.   The membership card is linked to photo-ID so your photograph needs to be taken upon joining.
Junior memberships are available to children between the ages of 12 & 16 years of age (16 + 364 days). 
All children under 12 years must be linked to their parent’s membership, either through a “Family membership” or a “Single adult family membership.”  Snozone does not sell ‘stand-alone’ memberships to children under 12 years of age.  Should a junior wish to join their parent(s) membership and will be under 17 years for the duration of the term.
All guests wishing to join the senior category must provide proof of date of birth,

Prior to any member of your group participating in any slope activities you must advise us with any medical conditions you feel we need to be aware of, or any assistance that may be required.
All event room bookings must be confirmed in writing and by accepting our Terms and Conditions. If written confirmation is not received within 21 days of the event. Snozone reserves the right to cancel the booking and not refund the deposit.
If any damage is caused inside the facility, Snozone reserves the right to hold any deposits to cover the cost for the damage caused.
Payment Policy:
  • A 50% deposit is payable once an event is confirmed.
  • Full payment is due no later than 14 days before the event takes place.  If payment is not made, the event will be cancelled, and the deposit will not be refunded.
  • Snozone does not offer credit under any circumstances.
Cancellation Policy:
  • All cancellations must be received in writing, no verbal cancellations will be accepted.
  • If a cancellation is made within 14 days of the event date, the deposit and/or full payment will not be refunded.
  • If you do not, or are unable to attend your event, or arrive late, for any reason, you will still be charged in full.
We are the owners of and the licensee of all Intellectual Property rights pertaining to the name and brand name and logo of Snozone, SnoAcademy and The Alpine Kitchen and their subsequent website addresses and of all imagery contained within our website, social media channels and marketing materials.
It is strictly forbidden for anyone to use any elements of the above without express permission granted in writing from the Sales & Operations Director of Snozone. Any contravention of this will result in certain legal action.

Your statutory customer rights are not affected.
Snozone and your personal data
This is Snozone’s Privacy Policy. It sets out how we collect and process your personal data and what we use it for. It gives you important information on how you can amend information we hold on you such as amending or removing consent for marketing communications or updating your personal details. If you have any queries about this policy or how we handle any personal data you provide to us, please contact us using the details provided at the bottom of this document.
“Personal Data” is any data that identifies you. The Personal Data which you supply to us you agree will be true. We will process your Personal Data in compliance with both the Data Protection Act 2018 which is the UK's implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation, and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on 25th May 2018. Please note this applies only to services that we operate and control and not to other companies or other organisations’ websites to which we may link. For such external services or sites please see their Privacy Policies to understand how they might be handling your data.
What is Snozone?
Snozone owns and operates two indoor snow slopes in the UK, and one indoor snow slope in Madrid, Spain. It is a subsidiary of Capital & Regional PLC. Our registered address is Snozone Limited, First floor, Strand Bridge House, 138-142 Strand. London, WC2R 1HH.  Company Registration number – 03988044
Our Purpose for Collecting and Processing Data 
Our intention is to provide the best possible experience for visitors to our slopes, the best possible environment for our people to work in and for the local community where we operate – and to have the best possible relations with our suppliers and other stakeholders. We collect and process data to; understand who our guests are, send them appropriate and relevant information and help provide and improve our services as a whole.
Some data is required to operate our services, and in some cases, we are required to hold certain information for legal compliance, law enforcement or contractual purposes.
Legal Basis
Data protection laws set out several valid reasons for the collection and processing of personal data. These include: a) Consent, such as ticking a box to opt-in to receive marketing emails from us, b) Legitimate Interest and c) To have full compliance with the law and, to fulfil contractual obligations.
The Data We Collect
When you order tickets or passes, we need to know your name, address, contact phone number and e-mail address to ensure we can contact you easily if required.  We also require a credit/debit card number, your expiry date and your 3-digit security code. This allows us to process and fulfil your order. Note - We do not store any payment information anywhere on any of our systems.
When entering competitions, either at the venue or via our website, we collect personal data such as your contact information, to administer the competition and to ensure age restrictions are adhered to and to notify winners.
Personal details are required to sign up to the Snozone Membership scheme, which provides members with offers and promotions at Snozone. These details are required to administer the scheme, such as the posting of membership cards, identifying members, informing them of the current offers and promotions within the scheme, and tracking usage of the scheme.
We may collect electronic data such as IP addresses or device information when you use Snozone services such as our websites to monitor the performance of those services and to therefore improve their quality. However, the data will only be disclosed on an anonymous and aggregated basis, not in a way in which you will be personally identified, unless consent to the contrary has been given.
To protect our venues and staff, we operate CCTV systems throughout our venues, which record images for security purposes. We do this based on our legitimate business interests. If required to do so we may provide this information to assist with law enforcement.
Where photography or filming is being performed at any of our venues, signage informing you of this will be clearly displayed so that you are aware. This is for use in our marketing materials, on our website or across our social media channels - however if you do not wish to have your image used, please inform the photographers/videographers at the time.
Except for names used to administer certain elements of our Holiday Camps and SnoAcademy, we do not collect personal data from children aged 16 and under.
Sensitive Data
We may need to process ‘sensitive’ medical data to ensure your visit is safe with us.  Our Coaches may ask before an activity about any relevant medical conditions you think may impact your safety. If first aid is administered, a first aider may collect and document information relevant to the treatment carried out.
Marketing Purposes
We only send post, email, text messages and mobile notifications to you about news and services that we consider may be of interest to you, only if you have given us permission to do so or where we consider there to be a legitimate interest in the information, for example, if we have to close the slope or building.
If you have agreed to be contacted by telephone, then calls may be monitored and recorded for quality and training purposes.
Electronic notifications may be sent to you via your internet browser if you have given consent for us to do so. If you wish to remove consent, you can do so following the instructions provided by your internet browser software.
Who Controls or Has Access to our Data?
Personal data is accessed and processed by staff at Snozone involved in operating the relevant services and marketing for the business. The use of personal data will always remain under the control of Snozone, operating as the Data Controller. Snozone does not sell your data to other companies.
We use selected third parties, called Data Processors, to help operate our services which include, for example, an email system or database providers. When employing Data Processors, we ensure that they comply with data protection laws including ensuring that data is held securely and that only the information required to complete the work is supplied to them. If we stop using a particular Data Processor’s service, we require that personal data held by them is securely deleted or anonymized.
In compliance with the law, we may be obligated to disclose data about you to a law enforcement agency or by a court order.
Personal Data is held and processed securely within our IT systems in accordance with the Data Protection Act and EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Data subjects have various rights in relation to accessing and amending the data companies hold under GDPR.
Retention Period 
We only keep personal data for as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with legal, contractual or law enforcement purposes. At the end of this period, data is either deleted or anonymized so that it can be used for only statistical and analytical purposes in a non-identifiable way.
We endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee the security of any data you disclose online. You accept the inherent security risks of providing information and dealing online over the internet and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security unless this is due to our willful neglect.
Data Subject Rights
Data subjects have several rights which we recognise and uphold. These include: The right to be informed about how we collect and process your personal data which is detailed in this document; The right to access this information; The right to rectify or erase data; The right to restrict the processing of data; The right to data portability; The right to object; and rights relating to automated decision making and profiling. Data subjects also have the right to lodge complaints with the Information Commissioners Office and the right to withdraw consent at any time.
How do I access my data?
If you have registered via our website, you will be able to log in to your profile to edit and update your personal information. To do so, please follow one of the following links, dependent on which site you originally registered with:
For Snozone Milton Keynes and Yorkshire click here: and select login.
For Snozone Madrid click here: https://snozonemadrid.com/ and select login.
If you change your mind about being contacted in the future, you can unsubscribe via the link above or please write to us at the address shown at the end of this privacy policy, including your email address and full postal address.
Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected] with the word ‘REMOVE’ in the subject line and details (eg: Email Address) you wish to be removed from the system.  Please note that it may take up to 28 days to action your request via either of these methods.
Each marketing email we send also contains an unsubscribe link. Opting out of marketing communications will be honoured unless a later opt-in is received for the same contact details.
If you have any comments or queries in connection with our privacy policy or the data we hold, please telephone 020 7932 8000 or write to The Snozone Data Controller, Snozone Limited, First floor, Strand Bridge House, 138-142 Strand. London, WC2R 1HH.  Company Registration number – 03988044

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